Tuesday, December 30, 2008

P.C.D.D. strikes again as it does this time every year..

Uuugh. I'm having a major case of PCDD. That's Post Christmas Depressive Disorder. These days between December 26 to about mid January are such a drag, especially to an admitted Christmasaholic as I. Soon the decorations will have to come down and the pretty purple tree too. Sniff. Then the worst part of all - no more hundreds of sparkly twinkly lights all over the place! Oh the humanity!

The other day I got 2 Gamera movies for under 4 bucks but I just couldn't enjoy them. That's when you know it's bad! Oh well, I'm sure in a few days I'll be back to my old pre Christmas goofy self again. Whether that's a good or bad thing I don't know, but maybe something stupid or funny will happen between now and then so I will have something to write about soon!

Wait! I did find some really good 1950's-1960's sci-fi space alien movies while digging through a few packed away boxes (I packed those away?! What was I thinking?!)... Ahhhhh look at that ~ perhaps I see a faint glimmer of light at the end of this after-Christmas blues tunnel!!!

Geeeez, i just hope it ain't a train... Or a space ship for that matter!

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