Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolutions smesolutions!

Here we go again, a new year and a new resolution or two or ten...

What was I thinking?! Like I really plan to carry out a plan conceived on a night when adult beverages are a flowin' freely about the room? Some vodka induced weight loss plan? Decisions decided after shots and beer chasers? Promises made after after 3 too many Long Island Iced Tea's) cannot legally be considered able to hold water!! And then champers....Good grief! I didn't even drink this year - I was the "DD"!

Resolutions smesolutions. Don't think so. Resolutions get packed away with the Christmas decorations for next year.

No resolutions for this year for me. I need to keep all the ones from previous years that I have been re-resoluting. Let's face it, most things we resolve are lifestyle changing anyway - like weight loss, or being more organized, having patience yada yada you get the idea. It's not something to restart it's something to be continued or else you've wasted it and have to start from scratch. OK so that's where all new resolutions come in! Uugh! It's a vicious cycle!
Anyway, Happy New Year!

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