Saturday, July 3, 2010

Reflections on turning 40

For some reason I think 29 was the most stressful for me. Letting go of my youth I suppose. In my family by 29 you should have been married with 2 or 3 kids, have a mortgage and car payments. Ooops... I so missed that boat with glee. At 33 I ran off to Europe, eloped with the man of my dreams and never looked back. Since tonight is my last night of my 30s decade I'll bore you with my non-mid-life crisis.

Oddly enough I'm looking forward to my forties. Mortality is a fact of life and we are all bound for heaven so to speak. A few women friends have told me that I will like being 40, because at this point in my life I won't give a darn anymore. One said that there is a confidence that comes along with age and experience. And I blamed all that apathy on my recent major surgery, that kind of gives you a sense that you're bulletproof. I didn't feel like drinking beer much either after that bit of work... Thank goodness this evening I've gotten past that too!

3 minutes left and it's still cool. Tomorrow will be another day and then the one after. Thank God for letting me get this far. I have a great husband, great family, great friends, my health and a job. In my eyes that means I have a very rich life, I am very blessed and I look forward to being a 40 year old or a whatever year old! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

I find the older I get, the more I enjoy everything. Plus the women I know that age don't let the little things get them down anymore!

Birgit said...

Happy belated birthday, Rita. And -- I didn't even reflect on my 40th birthday. I just celebrated it! :) I think all the hype of having to achieved this and that is more than ridiculous. Make the best of each day -- then you are doing the best you can. :)
