Monday, April 5, 2010

Life or Death?

OK so I'm watching the LIFE series on the Discovery Channel this past Sunday (as I have been since the beginning) and once again I had to turn it off and walk away. Not that this hadn't occured to me in earlier episodes but this weeks show just solidified it in my mind: This series should not be called "Life" ~ more appropriately it should be called "Death" As most of the critters seem to get stalked and eaten on these programs.

Was it well filmed? Yes. Was it well presented? Yes. Was the information interesting? Yes. Do I want to see more dancing birds? Yes please. Do I want to see any more pelicans eating baby birds? No thank you. Would I like to see another starfish having a leg torn off? Hell No!

Call me a weenie, I just see enough blood and gore on the normal stations and the news. The last thing I need to see before I go to bed is a spider the size of my car devouring sweet little frogs. Think I'll go back to surfing the internet on Sunday nights. Sorry Oprah.

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