Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cheesy Movie Alert!

I will be the first to admit that I have really awful taste in shoes and movies. When shoe shopping I am never happy unless the shoe is just so... Impossible, truly impossible. People hate going with me and my mother always happily points out that I have the worst taste in shoes anyway.

When it comes to movies I simply do not watch the kinds of things that are expected of a 38 year old woman. I love silent movies, old westerns and really really cheesy old sci-fi movies. When I was little I saw my first Godzilla movie and now thirty years later I am still hooked. As a matter of fact my collection of these Toho masterpieces has been growing in recent months. Right now I am searching for a reasonably priced dvd or vhs of Godzilla vs the Seamonster... But I digress...

This particular cheesy movie blog isn't about those wonderful Toho Godzilla classics but another Toho gem called "War of the Gargantuas". Honestly if you cannot stomach guys in hairy rubber suits or the squishing of Japan's version of Matchbox cars/tanks, model helicopters and the deaths of countless plastic army men than this bit of cinema is simply not for you. HOWEVER if you like goofy sort of stuff or need to have a good chuckle, than this is perfect for you. The only other Gargantua movie I had seen MANY many years ago was a different one and I think the name was simply "Gargantua". What I remember from that one was that this bad critter liked to eat people but not their clothes. So he would stick them in his mouth, chew on then and then spit out their clothes... Too silly, I really wonder who came up with that idea!

The picture I have added tells you everything you need to know about this movie and not to spoil it, the end kind of leaves you hanging. But really didn't they try, in countless Godzilla movies, to make you think that they got him in the end?

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